
A long-expressed need of CCT graduates is for community (like they felt when they were students) to support their CCT-related steps in professional and personal development after they graduate


What could people do on the basis of this knowledge claim?

Questions for further Inquiry

What more do you want to know:

Do current students (e.g., 693 students) feel that need? Or feel it enough to be enthused to do Action Research on it? (pjt)

How do you Know about the long-expressed need of CCT graduates?--What's the evidence? (pjt)

Did they feel differently about after they graduated about the support they got while a CCT student? (mhat)

What kinds of support are they looking for? What are their purposes of looking for support (talking, meeting, or learning)? What does “creating supportive community for your professional and personal development” mean to them? (mhat)