Guidelines for Effective Coooperative Work in Small Groups

4 9 '07

Group 1

-Structure, not just giving assignment.
-Turn taking, perhaps tokens that each student had to contribute 'spend' in equal numbers.
-Some wait for the right moment to speak. Give thinking time and wait versus pressuring them to speak?
-Importance of awareness of group. Value contribution of others' participation
-Disadvantages of a responsible facilitator, following goals and objectives and missing divergent opportunities
-Activity that could help to have 5 min at begining of day (like check in) to get used to expressing self in group in an informal way before they join the group in a formal way

Group 2

-Acknowledge physical barriers, class/equipment structure adequate for group work. The teacher may want to suggest moving tables and chairs into a conducive arrangement (= one with equal access to all)
-Give each person a copy, leveling roles. (One set of instuctions elevates holder of instructions to higher role.)
-Assign roles, not randomly. Establish each member's skills based on each person's skills and how they were comfortable participating
-Recognize shyness, lack of participation, and acknowledge each member's role in calling out input from all members.
-Practice having students ask each other 'what do you think'
-If roles are defined, each member is consciou of their role and that all members are aware of what that person is supposed to be contributing
-Be aware that group leaders and 'high status' performers have a responsibility include the others
-The group assigns specific tasks as part of the activity to each team member

Group 3
-Create guidelines realted to the specific activity
-Assign roles to ensure all people partiicpate
-Recognize that group process is as important as end result (not who solves it fastest, the team work is as important as getting to right answer first)
-Not only one answer, the process or how to get through the steps and the clear thought process is important
-Make sure the groups have an includer. Makes sure someone is making sure each person has their say (shy have a chance to speak, talkers are shut up)
-Include summarizer as a role (to provide a record if someone doesn't understand, or group gets off track someone job).
-Recognize that groups naturally evolve and other roles come about naturally
-Avoid imparting status (e.g., by who gets the instructions or even calling the group "John's Group goes over there")

Feedback on Process of group activity:
Group 1
Group contribution, hearing perspectives.
Caught up in instructions, so maybe it takes a couple of practices.
Group 3
Process gives order, each person had to participate. Gets to a lot of perspectives in a short amount of time.
Keeping to time is important but recognize that some lee-way on allowing a good point to finish
Clarify type of group the guidelines are for
Allow flexibility in timing of phases in case a group is on a role