Our Lives and Other Worlds V

Educational Change, Leadership, and Teaching/Learning Interactions

Monday, March 1, 2010
Wheatley Hall, W-4-0148 (fourth floor lounge)
Open to the CCT community and general public. Refreshments will be served.

Please join us for next event in the Our Lives and Other Worlds series, where alumni from the CCT program join us to reconnect and enlighten us with their work since participating in the program. This month, we are featuring alums working in education and will hear about some current work and connections between CCT and applications across education.

6:30-7:00: Introductions and welcome
7:00: Alumni presentations
Parking passes will be available for alums and visitors who RSVP.
To listen in live, RSVP for instructions. Typically, we use Skype to connect in those at a long distance. Audio recording can be listened to at http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/16894 sometime after the event. If you use the download option instead of the listen option you'll be able to fastforward when you want. Use of headphones to listen is recommended. View the accompanying visuals by clicking on the links above, when available.

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