
Appreciative Inquiry Activity

1. Freewriting (5-7 minutes):
"When I think of a time when I had a wonderful experience -- when things were working well, when I (and others) brought the best of ourselves to the situation, when I look back and feel gratitude and/or appreciation -- the following comes to mind..."

2. Sharing, groups of 3 (25 minutes):
Each person takes a turn sharing their experience, while the others listen. The others should then continue to interview the storyteller, drawing upon the following questions as time allows (divide the time available and then repeat so that each person gets to be the storyteller):

3. Return to the whole group and continue, using the dialogue process (guidelines). (~35-40 minutes). Theme: extending what we have learned through the Appreciative Inquiry activity.

4. Gathering thoughts and closing circle (~10 minutes)