Script for the host of a Collaborative Exploration

in development, 4 January 2014


Before the CE starts (in fact, as soon as possible after the time is set)

Just before each session: Start Hangout using the icon inside a "Share what's new" post on the private g+ community. ALTERNATIVE: If you need to record it as a "hangout on air" so it can be made available to a participant who has to miss a session, then use the hangout on air option in the google+ menu (and invite members of the private google+ community) and also share the hangout URL on the "Share what's new" post. Use hangout on air only if there is someone who is definitely going to participate in the CE, but is unable to come to that session.

Getting each session started

After each CE session

Session 1
Spoken script: "Welcome. The main task today is for us to get to know each other in relation to the topic of the Collaborative Exploration, which is <insert CE topic>.
But first a few technical matters: 1. Mute your mic when you are not talking. 2. Use the chat column on the right to put your initials when you want to take a turn talking. When you finish talking, call on the next person who has asked to talk. 3. Don't use the chat for side conversations. Instead, focus on listening well. Questions?
Now a short reminder of the topic: <Read out pre-selected lines from the scenario>
Before we talk about how this topic interests us, let's do 4 minutes freewriting to get present and gather our thoughts about what the topic means to us, about what we hope to get from participation in this CE. (Freewriting, in short, is writing without pausing. If that means you say 'Blah, blah, blah' for a while, that's OK. If you go off topic and remind yourself of the food shopping you need to do, that's OK as well."<If someone arrives late, explain quickly what everyone is doing and then get back to freewriting.>
<4 minutes later> "OK. Finish up the thought you're having.
<30 seconds later> The main part of today's session is for each of us to take 5 minutes to give our life story--or at least that part of it relevant to why we would join a CE on <insert CE topic>. The rest of us listen, making notes about ways that we connect with what the other person says and ideas we have to help extend what they are thinking about. If we have time at the end, we'll talk about the connections we notice. I'll go first with the autobiographical introduction to get the ball rolling. The rest of you can put your initials in the chat when you are ready to take a turn. Can someone volunteer to let us know by chat when we have 1 minute left and when time is up?"
<During the introductions, if someone says they are done but they have time left over, encourage them to fill in more personal history, perhaps suggesting a thread you heard that could be fleshed out.>
<After each introduction>"Take a minute to note 'connections and extensions'=places where your interests or background intersect with the speaker's and suggestions to the speaker for extending their work (via reading, people to talk with, ideas, etc.)"<Optional: Use a form like for people to share these>
<When introductions are finished, if there is more than 12 minutes left in the hour>"Let us take a minute or two to make <or to complete> notes on connections and extensions we have seen. Then we can take turns to share some of these."<Optional: Use a form like for people to share these. In that case, allow more time than 1-2 minutes> "Put your initials in the chat if you want to take a turn talking. When you have finished talking, call on the next person whose initials are in the chat. Try to highlight questions and ideas that have been opened up and minimize statements or advocacy of positions you already had worked out for yourself."
the rest still needs to be fleshed out into a script
<With 12 minutes to go, close off the turn-taking>Gather our thoughts (using a format like but posted to the google+ community for the CE)"We will close by a go around on highlights from this first session. But first let me preview what's ahead.During the week, Between-session work: Spend at least 90 minutes a) on inquiries related to the case and posting about this to google+ community for the CE; and b) just before session 2, review the google+ community posts of others. (If you are wondering how to define a meaningful and useful line of inquiry, review the scenario for the CE, any associated materials, and posts from other participants. Think about what you would like to learn more about or dig deeper into. You are, in the end, left to judge for yourself whether what interests you is meaningful and useful.)

Session 2. Five-phase format: Freewriting on our thoughts about the case, followed by a check-in. Then turn-taking “dialogue process” to clarify what we are thinking about the case. Session finishes with us gathering and sharing our thoughts as we look ahead to making work-in-progress (W-I-P) presentations in session 3.

Between-session work: Spend at least 90 minutes a) on inquiries related to the case and b) preparing a W-I-P presentation.

Session 3. Work-in-progress presentations. (7-10 minutes total for each participant [depending on the number of participants]) Plus-delta feedback is made by everyone on each presentation (posted as a chat on google+ for the community). Time permitting, participants also speak some questions or make suggestions.

Between-session work: Post additional feedback on presentations (optional). Digest the feedback on your presentation and produce final report by revising W-I-P presentation, uploading it to somewhere accessible (e.g., google docs or a blogpost) and posting a link to the google+ community for the CE. Begin making reflective posts (optional).

Session 4. Reflection, using Five-phase format: Freewriting to bring our thoughts to the surface, followed by a check-in. Turn-taking “dialogue process” to explore our thinking about a) how the CE contributed to the topic and b) to the experiential goal, as well as c) how to extend what has emerged during the CE. Session finishes with us gathering and sharing our thoughts as before, but this time we will be reviewing the whole CE (using a format like but posted to the google+ community).

After session 4 (optional): Participants share on the wider community not only the reports they have prepared but also reflections on the CE process.