PT's goals/strategy as CCT coordinator, 08-09,
15 April '08

These goals were endorsed by the Department chair, Eunny Hyun, before accepting her request that I continue as CCT coordinator, and presented to the CCT faculty recognition/discussion/endorsement of my goals/strategy.

0. Serving students and colleagues well
esp. re: advising of prospective students, students' writing & completion of syntheses, reliability of course offerings, retention of students of color
existing commitments fulfilled (& evaluated) before taking on new projects

1. CCT Network, files/CCTNetwork
monthly events involving students & alums + social networking + audio library;
vertical relations to supplement reduced, limited horizontal relations; personal/professional/leadership development of "understudies" = special GAs who will continue working for CCT after graduation;
integrating rewarding activities with promotion & recruitment.

2. Distance ed.
Bringing in limited number of students into regular classes from a distance (e.g., via wimba),
Complements online ed thru CCDE in spreading the word -> recruitment, esp. for #3.

3. Science in a Changing World, files/SICW,
Build recognition in the Boston/New England area for CCT-centered work in this area

4. Contribution to C&I over and above CCT
Minimal (almost zero) demand on staff & $$ and minimal fires for Chair to put out.
Organize discussions that support intellectual development of faculty (brown bags, and ISHS)
Collaboration with revived Track A + courses/models for change-agent education & research

5. Second line [if it is granted] granted as an investment in CCT, not used as a carrot/stick/mandate to sidetrack goals 0-4 in favor of massive recruitment of applicants.