Grading system in points

(Usually students complete enough to get the automatic B+, so noone needs to use this system. But here it is just so you have no concerns about arbitrary or mysterious grades.)

6 points for each assignment submitted and revised in response to comments and for each presentation made up to 54 max.
1.25 points for each participation item completed, up to 26 max.

If these points add up to 80, the criteria listed in the syllabus are used at the end of the course to add points.
For each quality "fulfilled very well" you get 2 additional points. If you "did an OK job, but there was room for more development/attention," you get 1 point.

Overall course points are converted to letter grades as follows: A > 95points, for A- 87.5-94.5, for B+ is 80-87.4, for B is 72.5-79.5; for B- is 65-72.4; for C+ is 57.5-64.5; and C 50-57.4points.