Synthesis Measures

(existing, needing-to-be-revived*, and proposed+; draft 28 Feb 08, revised 23 August 08 & 16-23 Nov 08 & 7/21 Jun 09; %positive response in straw poll) New proposal Apr '10

Goal: Prepare CCT students to complete a synthesis during the final semester.

Develop research & writing skills
Assign CCT GA as a guide to writing assistance (incl. GWC, paid editors, CCT alums who will serve as buddies)+

Use 4th elective to arrange an independent study for literature review and writing+

After the end of the semester in which students take their fifth course towards the CCT M.A. they must do a mid-program check-in at which they submit a Reflective Practice/Metacognitive Portfolio and evidence of Research and Study Competencies. The CCT faculty will review these and decide whether to:
a) give the student the green light for completing the remaining courses;
b) ask the student to spend a semester
in the Writing Support Group improving writing skills and/or acquiring more Research and Study Competencies and/or finishing incompletes, and perhaps while putting a hold on taking courses. [If Support group attendance is not possible, the Program will try to arrange a writing coach.]+%
Develop reflection/metacognition on CCT experience that will enter synthesis
Assemble Reflective Practice/Metacognition Portfolios, starting with a workshop as part of the orientation for new students.+
Need for more specialized content knowledge (for some students)
Use 4th elective to take a specialized course outside CCT or do an independent study to complete literature review.*

Bring in wide range of readers, including faculty from other departments (stimulated by CCT Network events)*
692 completed*
Proposal submitted and approved with advisors arranged before the semester.*

Not on academic probation and no more than 1 incomplete.+%
Mid-program check-in done+%
Writing support group participation or coaching for a semester if grade for 692 or 693 less than B+ +%

Technical skills
Assessment of competencies early in the program (see above).+
More time needed than one semester
Start synthesis with meeting at end of previous semester* (see also prerequisites)
Students who do not meet prerequisites for starting the synthesis course
Graduate with a certificate, but with option of readmission when deemed ready (see below).
Fall back option if not finished during synthesis semester
Change synthesis to regular one-year-to-finish-incomplete status. Before we give students an incomplete on their syntheses, they sign two forms (dated a year ahead) that we hold onto and submit to the registrar with a passing grade for the course if they do not complete synthesis.
[old version: only if they cease to keep their student status active or get to the end of their "statute of limitations" five years.]
The forms are the application to transfer to certificate & application to graduate with certificate. (If they want to reactivate their M.A. studies at a later date, all the Certificate and other CCT credits can count, but they do not have to pay intervening semesters' program fees.)
Reactivating students to complete the synthesis
Such students are allowed to participate in the synthesis seminar as many times as they like without charge. When they have an acceptable draft, they can apply for readmission and graduation.
Fall back option if not finished during synthesis semester (cont.)
Marathon day at the end of the fall & spring for students to focus and get support in finishing.+

1 semester incomplete students register for 1 credit indep. study, then student pays program fees.+

Synthesis instructor serves as primary coach/coaxer to bring about completion.*%
Wider range of advisors
Strengthen two-way relations with Track A -- CCTers help read their capstones*; Track A faculty serve as CCT readers.*

Draw attention to faculty beyond CCT who can serve as readers*

Recruit experienced CCT alums as readers+
More practice synthesized in synthesis
Additional elective used for indep. study to pursue a supervised experience in a school, workplace, or community setting.+ Done through Reflective Practice course (if approved)
Synthesis seminar not offered every semester
For those semesters, incorporate synthesis students within 692 if offered.

Open up places to some trackA M.Ed. students to undertake their capstones within the CCT synthesis seminar.+

Warn students that synthesis seminar is vulnerable to late cancellation, in which case they may have to delay taking it for a semester.+
Faculty member signed up needs a fallback if course is cancelled at the do-or-die date.+

Allow students to sign up earlier than planned and complete the synthesis over a full year.+

Combine students from 2 semesters into one section's worth, even if some have to be supervised more like independent studies.+

Rejected measures

Take 692, Processes of Research & Engagement, early in the program of study, with option of a second time+ as an elective just before synthesis (or an independent study to complete literature review). [Not approved by Grad. Studies; no feedback given yet]
If overdue, require guided activity to prepare a complete draft of a Reflective Practitioner's Narrative (Portfolio) in which students select from what they have written for courses and for the synthesis, and bind it together through a personal reflective essay. This activity can be completed during a one day-workshop or during the week leading up to and including the one day workshop (Saturday before Memorial Day and, if needed, two Saturdays before Xmas). [Not approved by CCT faculty -- but optional?]