Work-in-Progress Presentation

When you prepare (e.g., by Freewriting or designing Visual Aids) to give a presentation, when you hear yourselves deliver your presentations, and when you get feedback, it usually leads to self-clarification of the Overall Argument underlying your research and the eventual written reports. This, in turn, influences your priorities for the time remaining (see Research and Engagement Design). Presentations a little over half way through the project must necessarily be on work-in-progress, so you have to indicate where additional research is needed and where you think it might lead you.

The Work-in-Progress Presentation is your first opportunity to “GOSP” your audience. Note that, for a Work-in-Progress Presentation, the P in GOSP—position—may extend to include your plans to find out what more you need to. At the same time, think of the presentation less in terms of performing to the public and more in terms of getting the help you need from others to make further progress. In that spirit, make sure you allow time to present the leading edge of your work. That means you need to be economical in how you get listeners up to steam about the aspects of your project that you already have firmly in place.

If there is no time for extensive discussion, each member of the audience should write Plus-Delta Feedback to the presenter to provide appreciations, questions, or suggestions, which might include contacts and references.

(see Phase G)