Sept. 23  CCT Open House!


Dear CCT Community,


Clear your calendar for this special WELCOME BACK EVENT!


A very engaging program is planned to welcome all of us back!  CCT alums will be on hand to share highlights of their journey through the program with new students (the impact on their lives, changes and transformations they have experienced, etc.).  This will be preceded by a fun ice-breaker in which we learn about one another's backgrounds and special interests!


Don't miss this kick-off event, guaranteed to be enjoyable and enlightening!  Feel free to bring (at least!) one guest with you, someone who might like to know more about the program!


DATE: Friday, Sept. 23

TIME: 4:30-7PM

PLACE:  Bayview Conference Room (room 3540, 3rd floor, Campus Center)

RSVP:  please!   by Monday, Sept. 19 (627-287-6520 or 617-287-6523 or


4:30-5:00  social and refreshments (feel free to bring some goodies!)

5:00-5:10   (quick!)round robin intros

5:10-6:00   ice-breaker: "ROVING STATISTICS"

6:00-7:00   alum-lead dialogue: reflections; Q&A; networking