Dear CCT Community,


The April 2 open house was a wonderful success! A large group of current students, alums, prospective students, and CCT faculty participated in a lively three hour interactive program. A highlight of the evening was special presentations on the Cape Cod Wind Farm Controversy and the national healthcare dilemma given by members of two of the problem-based learning (PBL) teams from last semester (CCT 611: Seminar in Critical Thinking). The outcomes of their semester-long immersion in problem finding and problem solving was outstanding testimony to their strengths as effective thinkers who are making important contributions to societal understanding and their own growth and development. Many thanks to Kyle Lindholm, Michelle Hardy, Matthew Puma, and Ivy Frances for their inspiring, professional presentations! Following this, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal of Thai foods prepared by Rathana Soenneker, one of this semester's invention students (CCT 612).


During the last hour of the evening, everyone took part in small group brainstorming focused on the question of how to recruit new students to the CCT program, given the re-opening of admissions to our Masters and certificate programs. The next important step will be to recruit a nucleus of people from our CCT community of current students and alums who would be interested in collaborating with me and other CCT faculty to carry out recruitment ideas.


As you think about the ideas that follow, I would appreciate knowing further ideas you might have (feel free to piggy-back, adapt, modify, etc!) AND…. if you would be willing to give some time as part of a team effort to grow what is surely one of the most important graduate programs anywhere!


Here's a summary of key themes that emerged from the brainstorming session. Thanks so much for letting me know what you think, whether you'd like to work together on any of this and when you can, bearing in mind the MANY ways to work together, in addition to face-to-face.


On our way (again!)


Nina Greenwald (


Summary of brainstorming key themes and specific ideas from the April 2 open house

-these categories are not rank-ordered by importance and may overlap conceptually


THEME: Identity Creation/Clarification


GOAL: to promote what makes us special, unique (e.g., the "toaster principle: all toasters make toast but what makes ours SPECIAL?)



• emphasize, give examples of the interdisciplinary nature of CCT: where CAN'T we use it?!

• develop a CCT advisory committee or group (e.g., invite notables in the field, representatives from business, government, education, healthcare, etc.)

• interface with UMB's MBA program to help "sell", communicate the CCT program in and out of the university

• create CCT awareness among UMB undergraduates

• submit regular articles, advertisements to the Mass Media (campus newspaper)

• set up a CCT information Kiosk at UMB: e.g., provide literature; feature testimonials from students, photos of their work, etc.

• create a relationship with state and city govt.; invite state personnel to the CCT program --they can profit from our graduates


THEME: Market the Program


GOAL: improve, increase CCT's visibility



• animate, expand the CCT web page: make it more attention-grabbing, make it visually compelling, etc.

• develop an alum network to recruit, do mailings, fund-raise, give workshops, make presentations

• create CCT chat rooms

• create website links

• communicate success stories (e.g., brochures, flyers, testimonials, kiosks at UMB)

• brief articles, advertisements in Mass Media (campus newspaper)

• take advantage of free Cable TV (e.g., share CCT projects; interview students; recreate/repeat a compelling discussion or project)

• CCT as a marketing/business major project

• capture Big Foot or Nessy in the name of CCT (what's the metaphor here!?…)

• house parties

• yacht ride with fund-raising emphasis

• campus web page ( as a CCT project)

• new campus center ads, exhibits

• Democratic National Convention is coming!


THEME: Expand CCT's Focus


GOAL: offer new concentrations



• interrelated media

• problem solving in the workplace (e.g. in business, healthcare, advertising, video, film, media, sciences, music and the arts)

•corporate training


THEME: Collaborate


GOAL: increase/expand outreach efforts



• identify target groups/audiences

• develop programs with the Aquarium, Museum of Science, Kennedy Library, school systems, hospitals

• develop joint statewide conferences: e.g., with the above institutions and special interest groups such as Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education, school-based creative problem solving programs (e.g., Olympics of the Mind, Future Problem Solving)


THEME: Fund Raising


GOAL: increase CCT revenues



• get alums involved

• create CCT programs/courses that result in saleable products, inventions

• have CCT exhibitions (e.g., art, inventions, talent shows, "how to" workshops)

• CCT graduate "fair" (e.g., spend an evening with….. to talk about…..)

• alum $$ drives

• grants (e.g., this can include $$ from surrounding community, local businesses and joint program development with educational organizations such as museums)

• sponsor-recognition programs