Jeff Craig

May 1, 2009


A. I can convey who I want to influence/affect concerning what (Subject, Audience, Purpose).

Did well: I was able to identify the primary stakeholders (employers, career center staff, faculty, and students) by identifying common interests. This is an important first step in constituency-building.

Needs Improvement: Writing the paper, however, was more difficult. That is, writing to a particular group, particularly since my project had multiple audiences (employers, career center staff, and the general public). For example, chapters 1 & 2 was written for the general public and all stakeholders mentioned above, whereas chapters 3 & 4 were was written to appeal to employers and career center staff, respectively.

B. I know what others have done before, either in the form of writing or action, that informs and connects with my project, and I know what others are doing now.

Did well: I was able to reach out and talk with colleagues from different states (FL, OH, KS). This required me to step outside my comfort zone. Once I did, I felt empowered to reach out further.

Needs improvement: Learning how to find out what has been done. It’s much easier to find out what people are doing and what they plan to do, but it requires much more “digging” to find out what has been done. For example, I wanted to look into past recessions and consider how community colleges fared then, but this information was very hard to come by.

C. I have teased out my vision, so as to expand my view of issues associated with the project, expose possible new directions, clarify direction/scope within the larger set of issues, and decide the most important direction.

Did well: Based on feedback from my presentation, I broadened the scope of my project by identifying a vehicle to draw my stakeholders (employers, faculty, career center staff, and students). I found that advisory boards could be a useful tool to identify common goals and try out various tools presented in the Action Research course.

Need improvement: I will need to working with administrators to identify opportunities to get more involved in advisory boards. (I sit on one advisory board already. This project has helped me learn about advisory boards and appreciate them a lot more.

D. I have identified the premises and propositions that my project depends on, and can state counter-propositions. I have taken stock of the thinking and research I need to do to counter those counter-propositions or to revise my own propositions.

Need to develop: I did not formally identify points/counter-points in this project; however, I learned about how valuable this process can be in seeing problems/issues in various lights.

E. I have clear objectives with respect to product, both written and practice, and process, including personal development as a reflective practitioner. I have arranged my work in a sequence (with realistic deadlines) to realize these objectives.

Did well: As the semester progressed, I was able to set clearer objectives, but only after I consulted with my advisor and reader.

Needs improvement: I need to develop a better system to tackle a research paper. My organization skills really improved, but not until the end. P.S. I wish I could start the project with the knowledge I have now re: tracking sources.

F. I have gained direct information, models, and experience not readily available from other sources.

Did well: I learned a great deal through conversations with my boss, a recruiter from a nearby company that hires our students, and career center staff at other community colleges. The APA manual says that personal communication should be held to a minimum because it cannot be located, but I found it to be some of the most valuable information.

Needs improvement: Identifying sources and models.

G. I have clarified the overall progression or argument underlying my research and the written reports.

Did well: Through consultation with my and reader (Peter Taylor), I discovered that I needed to separate myself from the emotions and feelings of helplessness and, instead, widen the scope of my project.

Need improvement: Finding ways of doing this myself!

H. My writing and other products Grab the attention of the readers/audience, Orient them, move them along in Steps, so they appreciate the Position I've led them to.

Did well: As in Practicum, I wrote my GOSP last because I feel I a deep understanding of the project before I can grab readers’ attention, orient them.

Need improvement: Seeing the larger picture. Sometimes it felt like I tangled in the brush and needed someone to get me out so I could see the trees, then see the forest!

I. I have facilitated new avenues of classroom, workplace, and public participation.

Did well: This project helped me bridge classroom and workplace experience. I felt that I engaged more with others in school as well as work.

Need improvement: As I’ve noted before, time limited me from participating in some extra programs—those outside the classroom.

J. To feed into my future learning and other work, I have taken stock of what has been working well and what needs changing.

Did well: I feel I accomplished a great deal of work this semester.

Need improvement: I need to organize my time better and learn to develop, and stick to, timelines. Otherwise, the work becomes too overwhelming.


1. I have integrated knowledge and perspectives from CCT and other courses into my own inquiry and engagement in social and/or educational change.

Did well: I have a much better understanding of how systems work and was able to rise above the trees to see this. I have greater confidence that I can dissect a system in order to find ways to change it for the better.

Needs improvement: It will take time to process the material and identify opportunities in order to answer this question sufficiently.

2. I have also integrated into my own inquiry and engagement the processes, experiences, and struggles of previous courses.

Did well: I was able to build on the foundation of previous courses – particularly with Action Research, Practicum, and Synthesis. Each class, I incorporated organization strategies from the previous courses. The organization itself is an informal kind of Action Research. Planning, implementing, evaluating, how I organize my coursework (e.g., keeping a binder, using the wiki).

Needs Improvement:
I think that keeping a journal about previous courses would be helpful as it relates to identifying previous struggles. It’s important to look back on them and record them right away, getting it down on paper.

3. I have developed efficient ways to organize my time, research materials, computer access, bibliographies, etc.

Did well: Somehow I made it through this semester, taking Synthesis and Cognitive Psychology while working full-time (including coordinating two large job fairs in one week!). So, I must have done something right.

Needs improvement: My time management needs some serious improvement. This remains one of my greatest weaknesses. Although I made it through the program, it was more stressful than it needed to be. I was most product when I seized the moment and did something, anything, no matter how small. I found this strategy got me going. I would say to myself: “How will I feel at the end of this day if I don’t accomplish anything?” The answer: miserable and stressed! So, the answer is – work in small chunks rather than waiting so long that you need to spend 5 solid days sitting in front of the computer – as I did!

4. I have experimented with new tools and experiences, even if not every one became part of my toolkit as a learner, teacher/facilitator of others, and reflective practitioner.

Did well: Although we were “required” to use various tools (as opposed to Practicum), I did use the Action Research model to conceptualize what I wanted to do in the future using advisory boards as a vehicle to do so.

Needs improvement: To understand that perfection is not the goal; the experience is.

5. I have paid attention to the emotional dimensions of undertaking my own project but have found ways to clear away distractions from other sources (present & past) and not get blocked, turning apparent obstacles into opportunities to move into unfamiliar or uncomfortable territory.

Did well: With the help of Peter Taylor, I was able to disconnect myself from the responsibilities of my job and free myself from the emotions attached to my project. When I did, I was much more productive.

Needs improvement: Learning how to do this myself! I also needed to disconnect myself from the Internet! I actually unplugged the broadband cable from the wall a few times — which really helped me focus.

6. I have developed peer and other horizontal relationships. I have sought support and advice from peers, and have given support and advice to them when asked for.

Did well: I feel that I developed in this area even more so than last semester in Practicum. In fact, I feel that Practicum laid the foundation. Also, working in small groups is helpful in this regard.

Needs Improvement: I live an hour away. With other obligations, I do not have the same time that other’s have had to “bond” with others outside the classroom.

7. I have taken the lead, not dragged my feet, in dialogue with my advisor and other readers. I didn't wait for the them to tell me how to solve an expository problem, what must be read and covered in a literature review, or what was meant by some comment I didn't understand. I didn't put off giving my writing to my advisor and other readers or avoid talking to them because I thought that they didn't see things the same way as I do.

Did well: I believe I excelled at this. My professor will vouch for me!

Needs improvement: To be able to reflect on my process and come up with some answers myself instead of needing guidance at every turn.

8. I have revised seriously, which involved responding to the comments of others. I came to see this not as bowing down to the views of others, but taking them in and working them into my own reflective inquiry until I could convey more powerfully to others what I'm about (which may have changed as a result of the reflective inquiry).

Did well: One of the most productive sessions in our synthesis seminar was when we read each other’s work and offered feedback. I always welcome feedback. I may not always agree, but I consider it. I take into account that the other party may need more information from me. So, I see it as a way to not only clarify my work, but as an opportunity to explain my intentions. Discussing my ideas helps me grasp my intentions as well.

To be developed: Seeking advice was not always easy for me. At times, I would become defensive. I would like to get to a point where I can sit back with a completely open mind, listen to feedback, and seriously reflect on how I can incorporate (or not). It’s not black and white – and I need to work on that..

9. I have inquired and negotiated about formal standards, but gone on to develop and internalize my own criteria for doing work—criteria other than jumping through hoops set by the professor so I get a good grade.

Needs Improvement: See previous question.

10. I have approached the CCT synthesis course and the CCT program as works-in-progress, which means that, instead of harboring criticisms to submit after the fact, I have found opportunities to affirm what is working well and to suggest directions for further development.

Did well: I am more comfortable leaving with unfinished business and understand that professional growth doesn’t end at graduation.

Needs improvement: I will surely identify opportunities in the future. For me, it’s a little premature to answer this.