
Cassie Tighe-Hansen, May 2015
(adapted from the "Phases of research and engagement" in the Practicum course in the expectation that these are also relevant goals for students' work in moving towards the synthesis product)

A. I can convey who I want to influence/affect concerning what (Subject, Audience, Purpose).

I have gained perspective as to who I would like to influence with my learning. I have fleshed out the subject matter of CCT in order to improve the thinking of younger students, specifically college freshman. The audience to my slightly altered proposal will be a college administration with whom I hope to work with to create a class for their school. I have learned who my audience is and I am now able to communicate and better articulate to them what I plan to achieve in teaching this class.

B. I know what others have done before, either in the form of writing or action, that informs and connects with my project, and I know what others are doing now.

Although there is so much more information than I could have included in my synthesis I do know who and where to look for resources as I move ahead with my plan to implement this class. There are similar classes being taught in a variety of ways and areas that connect to my project. As I reach out to these resources my information will become even clearer and a possible community of thinkers can be born as we have done in this final synthesis class.

C. I have teased out my vision, so as to expand my view of issues associated with the project, expose possible new directions, clarify direction/scope within the larger set of issues, and decide the most important direction.

In my synthesis project I have been able to take the mounds of information available and work it down to a usable amount with an appropriate scope. There are a variety of directions a class such as this could take but I have used my strengths as a former art teacher to work on a path that fits naturally to both a student and my way of teaching.

D. I have identified the premises and propositions that my project depends on, and can state counter-propositions. I have taken stock of the thinking and research I need to do to counter those counter-propositions or to revise my own propositions.

The premises and propositions that my project relies on have been worked through including making general assumptions about the educational system. Although not every educational system works as I have experienced, the counter proposition is that all people regardless of age and education can use work on their thinking. In my research I have found that as a society there is always room for improvement in dialogue, thinking and organizational structures.

E. I have clear objectives with respect to product, both written and practice, and process, including personal development as a reflective practitioner. I have arranged my work in a sequence (with realistic deadlines) to realize these objectives.

Within my project I was able to work on my objectives in a timely manner keeping track of the process needed to complete the product. Goals were attained and deadlines met. The striking outcome to me was how valuable I found the daily writing. I have always been one to write a little but the sustained continual practice enabled me to work through problems in my work and personally to get me back to focusing on the task at hand. It gave me a place to wander and then get back to the actual work of my project keeping me on time and in focus.

F. I have gained direct information, models, and experience not readily available from other sources.

In working through some of the actual proposed projects in the curriculum I have gained knowledge to what may work and what may need tweaking. I have shared one of the projects with a group of CCT students and professors who have expressed insights that I had not thought of and directions I might go in the future. I plan to use these resources, my constituency, in the future when I am looking into new ideas, curriculum and projects. I also plan to contact others in the field in which I plan to concentrate my work in, the community college.

G. I have clarified the overall progression or argument underlying my research and the written reports.

In my synthesis I believe I clearly show the need for students to be taught critical and creative thinking, There is a lot of research showing the need for students in this new century with its new technologies to be aware of how to not only use it but how to distinguish the good from the bad. They need to be aware of what may be needed and useful information and what might just be rhetoric. Students will learn how to build a constituency of people in this world of separation by technology and how to work collaboratively. They need the skills in order to create new and fresh ideas and not just regurgitate learned information.

H. My writing and other products Grab the attention of the readers/audience, Orient them, move them along in Steps, so they appreciate the Position I've led them to.

By using my personal journey as a path on which I have changed I believe I have grabbed the attention of the audience with its sincere usage. My encaustic collage artwork helps them to see my journey. As I have transitioned along this path I believe I show how my students can move into new patterns of openness and thinking. My small exploration into how my class would run along with the overarching curriculum outline (insert) moves them through the plan and pointing out the plus/deltas along the way gets them to appreciate the position I have given.

I. I have facilitated new avenues of classroom, workplace, and public participation.

In creating this curriculum I have opened up the possibilities for new students to be touched by the positive attributes of CCT. When I take this curriculum and implement it will be the actual point in which I have used it to its fullest potential. That being said, just in the making of it and sharing it with the people that have experienced it already I believe that I have made a positive connection and difference in the public arena.

J. To feed into my future learning and other work, I have taken stock of what has been working well and what needs changing.

I have taken stock in what needs tweaking by sharing my ideas with others and I have learned that there needs to be collaboration in the creation of many of my projects. As some of them are new to me and to learners in general it will sometimes be a learning process to introduce and work through them. I will need to use my constituency to help as well as student feedback to make the projects useful and worthwhile. I need to keep an open mind about my progress and changes that may need to be made as I work.

1. I have integrated knowledge and perspectives from CCT and other courses into my own inquiry and engagement in social and/or educational change.

As my synthesis is related to both social and educational change I feel that all of the classes I have taken have influenced this process. I have allowed myself to explore many sides of the questions of education and what it means to society and the ultimately the student. Many of my intended projects and outline of the curriculum are a direct interpretation of many things I have experienced in the CCT program. In many cases, I have taken what I have learned and tweaked it to be uniquely me and will deliver it in my style. I have informed myself and a small constituency of others as to the need for educational change now I just need to implement the change.

2. I have also integrated into my own inquiry and engagement the processes, experiences, and struggles of previous courses.

Through the coursework in CCT I have gained perspective of my own learning and insights into how others learn as well. In a traditional classroom there is no spoken feedback of the learners to the teacher or even amongst each other- except to complain. In many classes, with a few exceptions, we were encouraged to share our experiences in what has worked and what might need more review as to be a better fit. I have learned a great deal about on-line learning and teaching- what may be a positive experience to one may be a negative to another (i.e. Visual contact). The buddy partner system will always be a controversial thing depending on who is more inclined to work and who just likes to skate by- this is true of the traditional classroom experience as well as online. I have become a better examiner of sources and more discerning when choosing information.

3. I have developed efficient ways to organize my time, research materials, computer access, bibliographies, etc.

As stated above I have become a more discerning user of information. I search deeper and choose my resources more efficiently. Instead of reading everything and collecting over and over again I have begun to place my research in files of main ideas and topics. My bibliographies have been stored in a more efficient manner and are easier to access. My time has been better spent writing all my ideas down every day in the daily writing instead of trying to just force the product out at a specific time.

4. I have experimented with new tools and experiences, even if not every one became part of my toolkit as a learner, teacher/facilitator of others, and reflective practitioner.

I have used the computer as a way to organize much of my writing when previously I would have handwritten everything. Although I am a slow typist (I never took typing or keyboarding), I have found it quicker to type my ideas, thoughts and research than to manually write everything. It is also much more organized and easier to review as I need to look back on my thoughts and breakthroughs (it is also easier to copy and paste my typing than to transcribe something). I am more efficient and I hope to continue this writing every day on the computer in the future. I have also experimented with new search tools, libraries and reaching out to people when before I would have just relied on what I had always used before.

5. I have paid attention to the emotional dimensions of undertaking my own project but have found ways to clear away distractions from other sources (present & past) and not get blocked, turning apparent obstacles into opportunities to move into unfamiliar or uncomfortable territory.

Part of this journey was letting my emotions out and allowing them to move me forward to a place where I can function in the educational world. My obstacles were faced head-on, written down and talked through in order to clear the path for me to see the educational value in what I had gone through. I didn’t want it to define who I was so I instead transformed it into something that informed me of where I could go and allow me to see that others need to move in a new direction as well. My unfamiliar and uncomfortable direction was sharing my story and my art with people- I usually am very secretive with my feelings and emotions.

6. I have developed peer and other horizontal relationships. I have sought support and advice from peers, and have given support and advice to them when asked for.

This has been my second biggest leap from this journey. I have shared my story and now I have allowed other people to be a source of support. Rather than just telling my story I experienced it with them by way of listening to their feedback. I normally would just tell my story and be closed about it, brush it off as something that has happened but didn’t affect me. I have allowed people to listen to me and I have listened to their reactions and perspectives. It has been quite freeing to realize that people can care even if they don’t know your pain. In turn I have heard their thoughts, struggles and ideas for their lives and shared my perspective.

7. I have taken the lead, not dragged my feet, in dialogue with my advisor and other readers. I didn't wait for the them to tell me how to solve an expository problem, what must be read and covered in a literature review, or what was meant by some comment I didn't understand. I didn't put off giving my writing to my advisor and other readers or avoid talking to them because I thought that they didn't see things the same way as I do.

Although I didn’t see the same direction for my project as some of my peers may have I did not shy away from giving to them. I got little actual feedback in written terms but verbally we had good dialogue about what might need to be worked on. I am glad to have gone through the process of practicing our presentations. My first one was considered “boring” and too academic so I am glad to have had the opportunity to change it. It was a tough pill to swallow at the time since I am not used to being told I have to redo something but it was a good observation in the long run. I have spoken to my advisor as required but I did not use the relationship as I probably could/should have to open up more dialogue. I have learned now that the relationship was more of a supporting guide rather than a judgmental role. I reached out to sources that were not in my buddy group to much more success than within and was thankful for the relationship.

8. I have revised seriously, which involved responding to the comments of others. I came to see this not as bowing down to the views of others, but taking them in and working them into my own reflective inquiry until I could convey more powerfully to others what I'm about (which may have changed as a result of the reflective inquiry).

Through this process I have revised not only my synthesis but my view on what one should convey to the world. I believed that my product should be a piece of work that explained and defended my pursuing this degree. It was about justification of the choice I had made. As I worked on the process I realized that I didn’t need to justify what I had studied but that I needed to let myself and maybe a school know what I wanted to bring to the world. The ideas, structures and projects I had to share. The end result is a union of my story and the program I hope to bring to students rather than a compilation and regurgitation of what I have learned. It is more of a map of where I want to go through what I have learned and not just a backward path.

9. I have inquired and negotiated about formal standards, but gone on to develop and internalize my own criteria for doing work—criteria other than jumping through hoops set by the professor so I get a good grade.

I have listened to the suggestions of others as to how to work through my process but ultimately I had to do what I needed to do. In order to be the most effective advocate for my synthesis I needed to believe in the ideas and direction in which I was heading. Although I did take some advice I do feel that I remained true to my beliefs and focus for my synthesis. I was concerned about my grade but I think being posed the question, “Are you proud of your work?” was more of an incentive than any grade I could be given. I am proud of my work.

10. I have approached the CCT synthesis course and the CCT program as works-in-progress, which means that, instead of harboring criticisms to submit after the fact, I have found opportunities to affirm what is working well and to suggest directions for further development.

I have shared my ideas and perspective about my CCT experience in mostly positive ways and through proper channels. There has only been one class that was so exceptionally non-CCT I felt that I could not speak-up during the class. I felt the retribution would be too much to bear within the confines of the class. I felt I would not be heard and would be punished for my observations. I remained silent to protect myself. As I look back I still believe that I did the right thing at the time but I am more upset with the outcome. As I write this I realize that the class affected my ability to trust the next professor and the process of creation and synthesizing. The negative way in which I was treated and was taught made me question my abilities and my ideas as to what I believed CCT to be. Maybe I didn’t speak up to save my grade and emotional distress, but I think it was justified within the parameters I was given. I have since given my opinion about this teacher both through written and verbal critiques, including this one, and I feel that he needs to be more familiar with CCT before he can be an effective teacher. Besides this one blip I have been forthright with my observations about myself, my peers, my professors and the CCT program- which have been eye-opening, enlightening and priceless.