Getting Started for Students of Online Courses

Critical and Creative Thinking Program, UMass Boston

(although the information below is generally applicable to online students in any program)
Last Update: 21 Jan 2011

Key Links and Contacts:

Getting Connected to Online Courses - Steps to Follow

The Bottom Line: Several steps need to occur before you'll get into an online course -- if you get stuck along the way, then you'll need to determine what needs to happen next, as described below.

The general process and sequence for how things happen is given here:

1. Register and Pay
You register and pay for your course and fulfill any other obligations as required by university.

2. WISER Account
You receive a WISER account. WISER is the administrative system for all of your student records (used for all students, regardless of online or face-to-face attendance).
Your User ID looks like "UMSxxxxxxxx" where the x's are eight digits making up your unique login ID.

3. Student Email Account
You receive an account for your Student Email Address in the form of, where the ### are digits, usually 001.
For example, your email account would be something like Once inside the WISER system, you can look up your Student Email Address if you don't already know it. You don't actually use email in WISER - you can only SEE what your Student Email Address is.

4. Entering the Course
When you register for an online course, you will be able to access the Blackboard Vista system - the online learning system where course materials will be kept (you get this access after 1-3 happen above and once the online semester begins). Your Blackboard Vista login ID is the same as the first part of your Student Email Address (the part before the

Before the course starts, the instructor may contact you via your personal email address if possible (if you have given this to UMass) to introduce herself or himself and supply preliminary details about the course. Please respond quickly if any questions are asked, especially your availability for synchronous, live "WIMBA" sessions (like a conference call with the whole class, inside the Blackboard system). These usually happen 2 or more times during the semester. Be prepared to follow up with some tasks before the course starts that might relate to working out any issues with technicalities that are presented on this page.

Student Email, Personal Email, Blackboard Mail: Additional Details

The Bottom Line: Written messages may be directed to you through several systems. You can be aware of and monitor all of these, and alternatively, you can make the various systems channel messages to just one email inbox that you check regularly.

Multiple accounts are the reality of the online world. Both students and faculty of online courses should be especially careful when referring to "email", which might be actually referring more specifically to:
Personal Email Address - email addresses that come from private services (or organizations), such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Comcast, Verizon, or a company name
Student Email Address - the email address provided by UMass-Boston ending with
Blackboard Mail - This is an internal messaging system INSIDE of Blackboard Vista, not necessarily linked to the Personal or Student Email Addresses. It's not truly email - it's just a way to send private messages to a person or group who is in your online class. Each student and instructor in the course has a private mail box inside of Blackboard Vista. You must log in to Blackboard Vista to send or view received messages, you can ONLY exchange messages to others in your class, and others in your class must log in to Blackboard Vista as well to send or view received messages, EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING:

The system works this way so that students in a course can keep course-related and other messages separate. It is up to the discretion of the instructor how the messaging relates to course work in a particular course. At the same time, efforts should be made by the instructor to establish the chain of communication early to avoid issue of "I sent that already"-"But I didn't get it" -- especially since grading in online courses may depend upon meeting deadlines with electronic submissions and communications. Be prepared to be checking all of these systems at first, and at least until you are sure that you have linked/forwarded them properly, using the forwarding procedures noted here.