Dialogue session on "Critical & Creative Thinking in Practice: Where have we come and what lies ahead?"

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Dialogue session on "Critical & Creative Thinking in Practice: Where have we come and what lies ahead?"
Pre-circulated description
Technical lessons
Logistical lessons
Things that can get in the way of participating (a collage)
Regrets as Appreciations

Pre-circulated description

The theme is intended to allow for general thoughts about the field as well as for specific perspectives from graduates and students about the impact of the CCT Program. To seed the dialogue, but not to dictate the direction it takes, consider the following excerpt from the Overview of the CCT Program.


(A compilation of comments)
1. Theme: CCT studies are about taking yourself seriously, changing yourself. Not the same as having a definite project. Instead about paying attention to my own interests/aspirations.
2. Theme: Support. People need support, response, sharing, feedback, connectedness in order to make change. People need to be reminded of this need. Q: What draws people to stay in touch?
2a. Theme: Addressing discouragement. NoChildLeftBehind and children's black-and-white thinking is discouraging. Need to reconnect with CCT. Q: What can CCT offer to acknowledge discsouragement and keep discouraged people connected?
3. Theme: Tools. Need to be reminded of the tools introduced during my studies.
4. Theme: Distinctive message about CCT. We need to articulate what is distinctive here. But describing the program doesn't capture the experience. But saying that can make outsiders feel like they are outside "the club," or something mysterious, jedi warrior-like is being claimed by CCT.

Technical lessons

1. Talkshoe has some kind of bug that makes it difficult for hosts to use TalkShoeLivePro and be able to monitor who is on the call. No response has been received to the query on this matter. Workaround = the host aks who wants to talk and keeps a list of the queue.
2. If participants use their computer as their phone, they must have earphones or else everyone gets an echo.
3. Host's ability to mute callers disappeared at one point. Had to hang up and reconnect.
4. Connection via telephone faded for one participant -- better to use earplugs and a computer-based connection 9e.g., skype)?

Logistical lessons

1. Schedule on a weekend so people can use weekend rates to may free or cheap call to the talkshoe number (which is not toll free).
2. Send out personal invitations as well as the usual broadcast messages.
3. Send out confirmations with technical details and recommendation to check equipment beforehand.
4. Schedule regular conference call dialogues to accommodate interest from those who missed the first dialogue.

Things that can get in the way of participating (a collage)

Power went out so I had to switch from skype to my phone. / Sorry, I dropped my phone / no excuse, I completely forgot / a pipe taking the water out of the air conditioning unit broke in my attic and flooded the ceiling in one of my bedrooms.. / I couldn't find the email with the call ID / very busy in preparing the final exam and presentation of my PhD which takes place next Monday / heading out now to a farewell retirement dinner for one of my colleagues / on the west coast at a conference and can't change my schedule to join the call.. / sorry I hung up, but... I realized it would cost me too much. I’ll practice w/doing it online and try to get a new headset that doesn’t feed back for next time / During the heat wave, [my computer] just got so hot and I didn't have AC working / I'll be camping; not sure if my cell phone will have coverage...

Regrets as Appreciations

last night was really great... Thanks for including me. / I do so appreciate your efforts to include alumni.
I am sorry to be responding just now, and sorrier still not to be participating tonight... I hope the call went well, and I hope you’ll think to include me in the future. I am very interested in participating and in staying connected to the CCT program. / Hope you have another one. Please keep me on the list and keep me informed about things like this. /