CCT Network Archives

archived May 08

Basic Organization

Lead roles Group of 5 covering the range of members of CCT Community, i.e., current student, regular faculty member, part-time faculty member, alum, other ally/associate of CCT. Expectation of this group is a 2-year involvement in organizing and attending activities, meeting after or before activities (bringing in other members by skype conference calls), and mentoring the "Understudies" to move into Leading roles when needed.
Understudies Five others who are expected to move into the Lead roles or stay on after serving in the Lead roles to supply organizational memory and keep the group self-perpetuating (i.e., not dependent on CCT faculty's efforts).
Organizing Group = Lead roles + Understudies, including ongoing program assistant.
Program assistant = person who works very part-time for CCT but stay with us longer than the average graduate assistant. (Funds have been secured for Jeremy Szteiter to fill this position thru June 09.)
Supporting Cast of tens to hundreds?
See possible additional roles/rationale.

Wiki as record of activities and links to other products
CCT Community Directory updated and usable for networking.
CCT graduate assistants will arrange the CCT Forum -- the grad. student group -- to co-sponsor Network activities.
Monthly events, except July & August.
Cycling among days of the week and weekend times (given that no time is optimal for everyone).
At UMB during the week, but other possible venues for weekends.
Free parking passes will be sought (but no guarantees).
Events labeled as CCT Community events (including new student orientation with alums to show the bongo philosophy), Reflective Practitioner, Critical Thinking Teaching, CCT in Practice (including synthesis presentations -- combined into one evening or weekend session?).

Possible additional dimensions once the Network is running well

3. The CCT network pilots and then fosters alum outreach in their local and professional communities, developing CCT as one model of adult/ mid-career education.
CCT Outreach Coaches = A subset of lead roles & understudies that coaches alums in outreach.

Student recruitment

3a. Alum outreach serves to publicize CCT and attract potential students. (CCT outreach coaches also address how to recruit well.)

Advisory Group

4. The Network Organizing group ("Lead roles" + "Understudies" -- see above) also constitutes an Advisory Group that helps keep the CCT faculty abreast of new developments and connected to the activities of the Network.