Partnership with Cont. Ed. around CCT Certificate

To: Dirk Messelaar, Dean CCDE
From: Peter Taylor, Coordinator, CCT Program
Denise Patmon, Chair, Curriculum & Instruction
Cc: Les Goodchild, Dean, GCOE
Re: Partnership with Cont. Ed. around CCT Certificate
Date: 1 June 2004

This memo reflects our agreement about CCDE partnering with the CCT Program to promote the 15 credit CCT Graduate Certificate, which allows people to take two core courses and choose three electives. Initially the electives offered through CCDE would allow students to pursue a focus on “Creative Thinking at Work,” but, after consulting with Arthur Eisenkraft, the incoming director of the proposed Center for Math and Science Education, we may consider adding a second focus on “Science in a Changing World.” The contribution of Cont. Ed. will be to:
a) publicize the certificate in its catalogs (starting with the Fall '04 catalog) and website, and through brochures as CCDE sees fit (see draft description attached); and
b) provide an annual stipend for a Certificate Coordinator equal to a regular graduate instructor’s one-course salary. Under the direction of the CCT faculty, the Certificate Coordinator would arrange staffing for courses, answer queries about the certificate and courses, co-ordinate review of applications to the Certificate, distribute publicity materials prepared by Cont. Ed., represent the Certificate at Open Houses, advise Certificate students, and handle other matters that arise in the day-to-day running of courses.
The CCT Program will develop online versions of selected courses so that within two years a certificate student could complete the 15 credits online, although the certificate partnership will continue to accommodate both regular and online offerings and for M.A. students no more than four on-line courses from UMass Boston may be counted towards their degree.

Critical and Creative Thinking (focus on Creative Thinking at Work)

This 15 credit graduate certificate in Critical and Creative Thinking trains people to tackle challenging real-life problems, generate new ideas, and take them through to realization in their various educational, professional, artistic, and social settings. A variety of approaches are introduced to invention, dialogue, listening, and teamwork that promote creativity. Certificate students learn to confront ambiguous and complex problems, reflect deeply and bring insights to the surface, transform the giving of feedback into a mutual learning experience, build relationships of trust and enthusiastic acceptance of diverse perspectives, articulate a practical vision, and collaborate in bringing it to fruition. CCT Certificate students take two core courses, three elective courses, and complete an exit performance as part of one of the courses taken. CCT Masters students, graduate students from other programs, advanced undergraduates, and special students are welcome to enroll in individual courses.

For more information, contact Nina Greenwald (tel 617 287 6523, Email or visit

On-line Critical and Creative Thinking courses

see website,
including link giving [[ to students about how to get started in an online course]]

Instructors' emails:,,,,,,,

Information for and Exchange among Online instructors

Publicity plan with Cont. Ed. (9/16/05)

(Clearly this fell way behind & needs restarting)

After PT's meeting with Brian Middleton and Robert Rutirasiri (with Kate qq?) sitting in.

I explained division of labor:
GA's role to respond to online inquiries to + work on developing certificate publicity via alum network
PT's role to work with CCDE'ers on getting official details and weblinks right & publicity (includes getting $$ authorized from tony holmes in CCDE).

Main elements of CCDE publicity plan (in chronological order)

Sept. getting official details and weblinks right
Oct. a stylish bookmark to be available for anyone able to do an in person, verbal plus for CCT - robert seeks ideas for graphic elements, is taking a look at jan's graphic on the cct website.
Nov. a poster to be used for events and by people (e.g., julie barrett at massart) who would ensure it is placed in a high impact position
Maybe. ? advertizing in special issues e.g., of boston business journal

Publicity proposal from Kristen Bennett (Spr 06)

CCT Word of Mouth Campaign

Any word of mouth campaign needs to rev up a good month or two before registration deadlines. I think that we should schedule some CCT events: open house meet ‘n greets; maybe some open workshops like reflective practice that wouldn’t involve so much risk taking on the part of new participants? Social outings?

Timeline for Word of Mouth Campaign

- Gather email lists of alums, RP participants, and interested parties who contact us!.
- Contact Robert Ruti (?) in Continuing Ed re: budget for print media (gfx design/printing).

- Contact all CCT associates (alums, students, RP participants) and let them know what we’re doing to try and expand the Certificate program. Create an appealing email (graphics? Html?) that they can forward to their friends about the program.


- Schedule a CCT event (in addition to RP) that is open to the public, but will encourage CCT associates to bring friends and family
o Provide information on the program, etc.

- Schedule another CCT event – open house – guest speaker, something jazzy that we can get some press for. If we plant seeds among individuals the two months before and then they see things listed in the papers or hear listings on the radio, it will help to validate the program in the eyes of the public and generate enthusiasm for it. Try and generate enthusiasm for summer registration.


- - Schedule another CCT event – maybe a picnic or BBQ somewhere that is open to associates and the public. Generate interest for fall registration