Scenarios for Teaching that Relates to Collaboration in Environmental Inquiry

(Generated in association with an April 2007 workshop)


Three of us (PT, JP, TP) want to:
a) develop our ability to coach/coax colleagues into adding new approaches in their teaching (approaches = ethics, technologies, PBL tools);
b) create a pool of scenarios that could be used in teaching (especially PBL) concerning the diverse dimensions of promoting (in a progressive way) collaborations in generating environmental knowledge and inquiry.

To this end -- knowing full well that we are not experts -- we have:
a) drafted our own scenarios (see table of contents below) -- we invite comments on and additions to these by others;
b) prepared an activity in the form of a scenario to move you towards or into scenario writing (depending on your prior experience); and
c) begun to assemble an annotated set of resources.

Scenario: "B Team steps in to help, but need your cooperation in making best of a challenging situation"

We're not sure you remember this, but a while ago you signed up for a workshop on writing scenarios and case studies for teaching, specifically teaching about the emerging emphasis in environmental research on collaborative generation of knowledge and inquiry. However, you have been so busy with other demands that you didn't have a chance to do any preparation. It's almost like you have been dropped into the writing workshop by helicopter. But, we hope you can get into gear and try to get as much as possible from the 90 minutes we have together. (We cannot stay any longer because the sealevel is rising.)
The challenge is somewhat bigger. The three dynamic and experienced people who were supposed to lead the workshop were, tragically, swept away when the sealevel rose by 110 inches in Woods Hole. Jeremy, Tom, and Peter are the B team, who agreed just yesterday to step in. We are not only novices in coaching, but we are very recent learners about writing cases/scenarios. We are now eager learners in coaching our colleagues to write scenarios and case studies for teaching. So we ask for your cooperation, not only in jumping into the task we'll soon describe, but also in
a) allowing us, when we coach you to bring in the issues in which we have prepared most and which we will very briefly describe before you start the task and talk about more one-on-one when we circulate coaching you; and
b) spending 20 minutes at the end discussing the experience (in a way described below).

Brief descriptions of our specialties [given verbally]:
JP: "participatory network media"
PT: a "KAQ framework" for shaping inquiry and exchange among students working on cases/scenarios
TP: ethics in generation of science and technology (not only in applications of S&T).

OK, now the task (which will take the rest of the time available minus 20 minutes).
To start:

Main task Draft a scenario/case. (You might have some ideas about the process you would use to lead students from an initial reading of the case to the end of the unit based around the case/scenario, but this task does not require you to spell this out -- but see #6 below.)

At the end:
Debrief, beginning with each of you stating:

Table of Contents of Scenarios

These were very preliminary drafts from the April 07 workshop--produced in 30-40 minutes-so excerpts only are given here unless author has revised further and given permission for the link
  • Coaching colleagues to write scenarios (this activity)
  • New, flexible connections
  • Changing landscapes-- Suburban landuse management in rapidily changing conditions
  • Forbidden knowledge
  • Sustainable food
  • Biofuels and Ethics
  • Challenging Collaborations in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Methods of Interdisciplinary Research, (class designed for senior undergraduates)


  • PBL site of Peter Taylor with links to rationale for using PBL, sample scenarios, KAQ framework for inquiry and exchange (see especially PBL guided tour).
  • National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
  • PBL clearinghouse at University of Delaware