Gender, Race, and the Complexities of Science and Technology

Main wikipage for the course

Bibliography, with links to Annotations

Guidelines & Instructions

(yet to be completed)
Insert citations in alphabetical order by first author under the heading below, "General Bibliography." Include keywords in brackets after the reference. Contribute annotations by linking the citation to a wikipage name GRSTyyzz, where yy is the first author's name and zz is the year, then adding the annotation into that wikipage.


(To enable searches of this bibliography, select keywords from this list and list them in brackets after the reference. Feel free to add keywords to this list.)

Key texts

Creager, A., E. Lunbeck, et al., Eds. (2001). Feminism in Twentieth-Century Science, Technology, and Medicine. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Hackett, E., O. Amsterdamska, et al., Eds. (2008). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.

Materials suitable for Provocative cases (to be annotated)

Butler, O. (1993) Parable of the Sower (selections TBA). Four Walls Eight Windows
Cohn, C. (1987). "Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals." Signs 12: 687-718
Harvey, D. (1995). "Militant particularism and global ambition: The conceptual politics of place, space, and environment in the work of Raymond Williams." Social Text 42: 69-98.
Paper Tiger TV (1989) “Donna Haraway reads national geographic on primates”
Werskey, G. (2007). "The Marxist Critique of Capitalist Science: A History in Three Movements?" (viewed 7 Mar 07).

Reading lists


General bibliography
